(only 6 animals scheduled per Monday)

You need to get the voucher - pay your $50

 then you are registered for the clinic

Every  Thursday's  from 10 - 4 pm I'll be signing up for the current clinic @

           The Curious Interest Antique shop 

                       515  Madrid ( Corner of Angelo & Madrid ) 

(Hwy. 90 @ blinking light turn on Angelo > 3 blocks)

Castroville Nip & Tuck's  New Program  

Castroville Nip & Tuck has had to reorganize their Spay & Neuter Clinics. The Snap's Mobile Unit - is no longer coming to Medina County. Until they resume this service - Nip & Tuck will continue to offer the low cost Spay and Neuter for qualified Medina County residents.

The NEW PROGRAM will be as follows:

                                          (1) $50 to spay or neuter your dog or cat

                                                     This includes their Rabies vaccination + pain meds

                                                     Dogs over 40 lbs. will have an additional charge

                                          (2)  Any additional services such as chipping, extra shots, nail trimming,

                                                      etc...will be your cost.

                                          (3)  You will now take  your pet to the SNAP's Clinic in San Antonio

                                                     located at Ingram & Loop 410. check in time is 7:00-8:30 AM.

There is a minimum of 2 hours to complete check in.

                                                     ( Bring Your Nip & Tuck Voucher for check in )

                                            (4)  Surgery days are now - ANY MONDAY in the month - you choose

                                                     the Monday that best works for you. You have to sign up at least

                                                     5 days before the surgery date.

                                          (5)  There are NO Refunds or Rescheduling

                                                         if you miss your scheduled  Monday                                                                    

                                          (6)  You still come to Castroville to - Sign Up - Fill out the paper work  

                                                                    Choose Your  Monday  & Pay your $50.

We know this "New Program" is not the best, but for now it still 

guarantees the low cost Spay & Neuter - plus you can now choose

 the clinic day.

 To qualify for the low cost Spay & Neuter Program :

(1) Must be a Medina County resident

(2) Be on a low or fixed income

(3) Have rescued the animal

For Additional Spay & Neuter Clinics

Please check - "Calendar of Spay & Neuter Clinics"

To take your pet to one of the clinics to be spayed or neutered all participants must be signed up ahead of time and purchase a $50 voucher before the clinic date from Castroville Nip & Tuck (even when using the Veterinarians). A schedule for the current year is found on our website. Each clinic has limited spaces so contact us as soon as possible.

      To sign up for a clinic or to obtain addition information:

                                                                                                         Contact : Kyle McVay   830 - 931 - 2525