Land has been promisted by the City - now we start funding the building !
Land has been promisted by the City - now we start funding the building !
Your donation will go towards the Pet Shelter Building Fund
Your donation will go towards the Pet Shelter Building Fund
Sponsored by Castroville Nip & Tuck
Sponsored by Castroville Nip & Tuck
Check - Make checks payable to
Check - Make checks payable to
CAPS ( Castroville Area Pet Shelter )
CAPS ( Castroville Area Pet Shelter )
Mail to : Castroville Nip & Tuck
Mail to : Castroville Nip & Tuck
c/o Kyle McVay
c/o Kyle McVay
307 Madrid
307 Madrid
Castroville, Tx. 78009
Castroville, Tx. 78009
Castroville State Bank :
Castroville State Bank :
CAPS Fundraising Account
CAPS Fundraising Account
Our goal is to raise $400,000
Our goal is to raise $400,000
( for the building and furnishings )
( for the building and furnishings )
Please check ou website for updates
Please check ou website for updates
City Wide Yard Sale
City Wide Yard Sale
Nip and Tuck used to sponsors two city wide yard sales every year, on the first Saturday in June, and the first Saturday in November. Maps of sale locations are given out at several locations in town on the day of the sale so buyers will know where to find them. Anyone wanting their location on the map pays a small fee, which now benefits Friends of Castroville Animal Control. These monies help support their fostering /adoption program. Sellers can also rent central locations for a small fee, which also supports the program.
Nip and Tuck used to sponsors two city wide yard sales every year, on the first Saturday in June, and the first Saturday in November. Maps of sale locations are given out at several locations in town on the day of the sale so buyers will know where to find them. Anyone wanting their location on the map pays a small fee, which now benefits Friends of Castroville Animal Control. These monies help support their fostering /adoption program. Sellers can also rent central locations for a small fee, which also supports the program.
These popular sale events are advertised over a 150 mile radius and draw people from far and wide. They not only benefit The Friends of Castroville Animal Control, but the local residents who have things to sell.
These popular sale events are advertised over a 150 mile radius and draw people from far and wide. They not only benefit The Friends of Castroville Animal Control, but the local residents who have things to sell.
Silent Auction
Silent Auction
On the first Thursday in April, Local individuals and businesses gene rously donate treasures that bring bids from eager buyers. The auction is one of the most popular events of the year in Castroville and brings people together as they help promote a good cause.
On the first Thursday in April, Local individuals and businesses gene rously donate treasures that bring bids from eager buyers. The auction is one of the most popular events of the year in Castroville and brings people together as they help promote a good cause.
Fiorella Friday
Fiorella Friday
On the first Friday of the month many of the shops and restaurants in Castroville stay open late, bands play, and vendors set up arts and crafts booths. There are wine and cheese tastings and people come from far and wide to enjoy the fun. Not an active event at this time.
On the first Friday of the month many of the shops and restaurants in Castroville stay open late, bands play, and vendors set up arts and crafts booths. There are wine and cheese tastings and people come from far and wide to enjoy the fun. Not an active event at this time.
Nip and Tuck volunteers set up a table where they welcome the public and serve wine and information for donations that go to support the program. Gary Carter,former owner of the Castroville Cafe, a long-time supporter of Nip and Tuck, donated the wine. In the photo (1-r) Claudia Holzhaus, Kyle Mcvay, and Georgia Johnson are the volunteers.
Nip and Tuck volunteers set up a table where they welcome the public and serve wine and information for donations that go to support the program. Gary Carter,former owner of the Castroville Cafe, a long-time supporter of Nip and Tuck, donated the wine. In the photo (1-r) Claudia Holzhaus, Kyle Mcvay, and Georgia Johnson are the volunteers.